At Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust we have a fully equipped Clinical Simulation Centre based within the Education Centre within the Trust.
We have a designated Simulation Team consisting of our Simulation Lead and Simulation Technician. We also have a robust multi-professional faculty who support the smooth facilitating of our simulation training.
We pride ourselves on facilitating realistic, engaging training based on focused technical and non-technical learning outcomes, delivered within a safe learning environment. We support the design, development and delivery of simulation training both within the simulation centre and in the clinical areas.
We have developed a point of care simulation training programme and are now delivering monthly training in over 12 departments throughout the Trust ranging from caring for the neonatal-paediatric and adult patient.
We are committed to developing others to deliver high quality simulation based education and have designed a two day ‘introduction to simulation based education’ course which is open to internal and external candidates. These courses run around four times per year.
‘Working together and Learning together’ Point of Care Simulation - Various clinical areas on a monthly basis involving all clinical and non-clinical staff as appropriate.
We also utilise our volunteers to assist with simulation training as appropriate, such as ‘breaking bad news’ or as a relative or patient.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Claire Levi (Simulation Lead) claire.levi@nhs.netColin Kuberka (Simulation Technician)
The Education Department is in SDH North on Level 5.
If you enter via the Sarum Entrance at the rear of theHospital, the stairs and lift are just inside on the right. Lift 5 is the only one that goes up to Level 5.
You can also enter at Level 2, by the Springs Restaurant, which is opposite Car Park 8. Take the lift/stairs to Level 4, turn right and find Lift 5 or the stairs at the end of the corridor before the link bridge.
Alternatively, from the Main Entrance at the front of the Hospital, go past Reception and turn right, the stairs and Lift 5 are at the far end of the corridor on the left.
For further information access the Hospital Website here: