Emergency Department & Critical Care In Situ Simulation - Head Injury on DOAC

The session was held in the resus room after morning handover. An EM ST3 was the clinician in resus, supported by ED nursing staff (Band 5s). An ED SpR was available for advice and top cover if required. ITU were available by bleep.

Learning objectives

Non clinical
Inter-departmental teamwork
Leadership and role allocation
Time critical decision making
Multi-disciplinary communication

Clinical (Medical)
Reversal of anticoagulation
Management of agitated head injury patient
Neuroprotective measures
Management of raised Intracranial pressure

Clinical (Nursing)
Drawing up and administration of Octaplex
Task prioritisation and allocation
Neuroprotective measures

Faculty: Alex Belcher, Ben Short, Joe Schrieber, Ben Atkinson

RCEM Curriculum Coverage Topics (SLOs)

SLO 3 – Identify sick adult patients, be able to resuscitate and stabilise and know when it is appropriate to stop
SLO 4 – Care for injured patients across the full range of complexity

FICM Curriculum Coverage Topics (HiLLOs)

HiLLO 5 - Doctors specialising in Intensive Care Medicine can identify, resuscitate and stabilise a critically ill patient, as well as undertake their safe intra-hospital or inter-hospital transfer to an appropriately staffed and equipped facility.
HiLLO 12 - Doctors specialising in Intensive Care Medicine understand the special needs of, and are competent to manage patients with neurological diseases, both medical and those requiring surgery, which will include the management of raised intracranial pressure, central nervous system infections and neuromuscular disorders.

The Case
70yr old female who falls from a low stepladder sustaining head injury with brief LOC and right wrist injury. Mobile at scene and taken by her husband to Gosport where she was redirected to ED as on a DOAC for AF.

After being cleared from other injuries on arrival (apart from head injury and wrist injury), a CT was requested and pending. Sitting in ambulatory majors with a GCS of 15 and normal observations she suddenly becomes acutely confused and agitated so brought into resus by the nursing team on a trolley
Initial ED assessment in resus – patient very agitated and combative and unable to get any monitoring or detailed assessment from her….

Handover from nurse who transferred patient from Ambulatory Majors to Resus

The patient had deteriorated due to the intracranial bleed and appropriate measures taken to stabilise her, prepare her for RSI and subsequent diagnostic imaging and definitive treatment. The use of cognitive aids were vital to ensure mistakes were not made and to reduce the cognitive load from the team during a stressful situation.

Working through the RSI checklist

Take Home Points

  • Importance of cognitive aids (RSI checklist and the Emergency Prompt Cards
  • Clear communication during referrals and handover
  • Prescription of Octaplex MUST be on a blood transfusion prescription chart

Feedback from participants

  • Usefulness of talking about closed loop communication and taking 10 seconds for 10 minutes time out.
  • Helpful for finding out where things are placed in resus.
  • Helpful for finding easy access to information that need to be available ‘now’.
  • Importance of human factors in managing critically unwell patients.

Suggested improvements

  • Being clearer with who was part of the sim and who was observing.

Latent Threats identified

  • Mannitol 20% crystallises/precipitates in environments below 20 degrees C - use Hypertonic saline as first line and 10% Mannitol as 2nd line (less likely to crystallise / precipitate). Mannitol 20% therefore removed from the resus stocks in the meantime

Action Points following the simulation session

  1. Crystallised 20% mannitol has now been replaced by 10% which will hopefully reduce the risk of this happening in the future.
  2. Lack of resus wall information. After discussion with the senior ED nurses we created new bleep list and some other more pertinent information for the wall in Resus
  3. The new elderly female LifeCast Mannikin was discovered to have an airway obstruction distal to the cords and subsequent (non intentional) difficult intubation. This was discovered pre scenario and had to swap to old ALS task trainer as a backup - Company rep collected Mannikin to fix the issue within 48hrs of the issue being raised. It was due to a manufacturing issue with the manikin which has now been rectified.

Mannitol 20% with crystal precipitates
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