In Situ ED & ITU Simulation - Airway Emergency - Blocked Tracheostomy

Learning Objectives

Learning objectives - Non clinical

  • Team leadership and teamworking
  • Multi-Specialty collaboration: know who and how to contact help

Learning objectives - Clinical (Medical)

  • Awareness of, and able to follow, emergency tracheostomy algorithm
  • Re-assessing/repeat steps after a change has been made (eg re-suction after changing inner cannula)

Learning objectives - Clinical (Nursing)

  • Know how to suction a tracheostomy and change the inner cannula

Faculty - Alex Belcher & Ben Atkinson

Initial assessment

RCEM Curriculum Coverage Topics (SLOs)

SLO 2 - Support the ED team by answering clinical questions and making safe decisions
SLO 3 - Identify sick adult patients, be able to resuscitate and stabilise and know when it is appropriate to stop
SLO 7 - Deal with complex and challenging situations in the work place

FICM Curriculum Coverage Topics (HiLLOs)

HiLLO 5 - Doctors specialising in Intensive Care Medicine can identify, resuscitate and stabilise a critically ill patient, as well as undertake their safe intra-hospital or inter-hospital transfer to an appropriately staffed and equipped facility.

The Case

  • Young adult with trache - blocked due to secretions from a CAP
  • Background of covid pneumonitis, a long wean and subsequent tracheal stenosis and tracheostomy
  • Recent discharge from hospital and developed a CAP with sepsis
  • Assessment of a blocked trache and appropriate management
  • Transfer to respiratory high care
ICU review
Post cannula replacement
ICU Consultant review

Use of the National Tracheostomy guideline

Algorithm from

Take Home Points

  • Turn suction on fully to function properly, and ensure tubing cut so that fits on suction cannister tightly
  • Only use soft-tipped suction catheters to suction down a tracheostomy
  • Follow the emergency tracheostomy algorithm to cognitively ‘unload’ and ensure no key steps are missed
  • Consider using fast bleep for critical care/ENT when airways are critical
Bedside debrief highlighting the importance of the algorithm

Latent Threats identified

  • Emergency tracheostomy algorithm not easily available

Some comments from participant feedback from own reflections:

  • Not everyone is au fait with traches
  • Where to find the guidelines
  • Put oxygen on the trache AND face
  • There is a recognised UK trache guideline/algorithm
  • Do not use a Yankauer suction catheter down a tracheostomy site
  • Ensure capnograpy is attached at all times
  • Know that only ENT SHO is on site at PHU out of hours (SpR is non resident on call)
  • Remember all avenues of support for airway management
  • Always clean the inner tube/cannula of the trache
  • Call for specialist help early

Suggested improvements from participants:

  • Diagram of trache and where blockages could be, hence common sense allows its easy sorting
  • All points raised at the time and addressed.
  • Location of Glidescope being somewhere other than in a patient bay to facilitate use without disturbing other patient care.
  • Make sure all the equipment are in working order (eg the suction) before a new patient arrives (as well as before when you think you may need it)

Faculty Debrief:

  • Need to create a checklist to ensure everything prepared for sim, including:
  • QR code for feedback/sign in sheet
  • Candidate stickers
  • Stethoscope charged and ready to go
  • Any ipads to be collected alongside the mannequin (depending which one chosen)
  • ABG/VBG printed out
  • Patient added to oceano

Future sessions:

  • Session in September - Trauma
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